
Monday, July 20, 2020

The eyes of Tawhirimatae. By Maiki


  1. Hi maiki my name is Nerys I am from waikowhai school.
    I liked how you drawed so good it looks very nice good job.
    maybe next time you could put more detale in you writing.
    blog you later BY!!!

  2. hi there maiki, I am Makenzie i love your artwork is is nice that you were confident to post your work even if you didnt like it but i love it . i am form marshlands and love the hard work you are doing keep it up

  3. WOW! This is awesome! amazing artwork and everything else is just on point! AMAZING WORK

  4. Ki Ora Maiki, My name is Amy and I go to marshland school. You drawing is cool. From Amy.

  5. Ki Ora my name is Ella. I love your drawing and think you should keep going with that talent of yours. I think next time you could press harder or have a darker colour. You should put some description of why or when you did this.
